To Promote ICT Access, literacy and Use by Women and Youth

AccessPlus aims to improve access for young and vulnerable people. By improving access to knowledge and information exchange, Familiarity to Internet and Computing Technologies will help in solving economic barriers

Programs, Projects and Activities

Program Area: ICT for Border Communities

About The Programme

Accessplus is working to improve access and use of the Internet and ICTs along the Uganda – South Sudan border communities to enable access to information for informed  decisions making to meet the needs of the border communities and access to services that would normally not be available physically but rather available online. 

Through its activities, AccessPlus is promoting the use of ICTs for purposes of trade, communication, information sharing and promoting peace, cohesion and development among Border communities and enabling access to communities that are generally difficult to reach.

Project Areas

  1. Karamoja Sector (Kaabong-Torit Border)
  2. Lamwo – Magwi Boder
  3. West Nile – Kajokeji and Morobo Border
  4. Amuru-Nimule Border


  1. Establishment of community Networks along border communities along Uganda and South Sudan.
  2. Training on use of Information and communication technologies.
  3. Facilitate access to information and accountability among border communities.
  4. Promote cross border trade through use of ICTs
  5. Promote education in border communities

Current Project: Harnessing Emerging Communication Technologies for peaceful co-existence among Elegu-Nimule Cross-Broder business women

About The Project

In partnership with The Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative (EASSI,) Elegu, in Uganda-South Sudan Border, AccessPlus intends to provide a training to the women cross-border traders. The training will focus on how to use smartphones, with interest in ethical ways to use communication tools and particular communication mobile applications such as WhatsApp, to foster transparency with fellow cross border traders and partners through communication and access to information.

Past Project: Building Women's Resilience to Improve Adaptation to COVID-19 using Community Networks

About The Project

The overall goal of the project was to promote women’s access and use of ICT in order to build resilience and coping mechanisms to COVID-19 in the fishing and farming community of Oyimai and Katine Parishes in Soroti District. The project will assess the impact of COVID-19 on women livelihood, create awareness and build capacity of women, youth and local government leaders on use of community networks.

The Funders

The Local Networks (LocNet) initiative, led by APC in partnership with Rhizomatica, is supporting 15 projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, selected through its 2021 Community Network Grant Programme. The project “Building Women’s Resilience to Improve Adaptation to COVID-19 Using Community Networks (Uganda)“, led by AccessPlus and Tango Consult, is one of the initiatives selected.

Past Project: Supporting Rural Community Women with Smartphones

About The Project

AccessPlus provided 10 smartphones to the individual women of the Gwokke-keni community in Patongo. The availability of the phones has made 8 of the 10 women who received the new phones to own phones for the first time, acquired sim cards,  registered for mobile money, and are now able to access the internet. Some of the beneficiaries were students who were excited to get online to understand how people search the internet for educational materials.

Considering the fact that every household has an average of 7 members, the 10 phones given to the 10 families translate to an average of 70 people who are directly and indirectly benefiting from the mobile phones.

We have however, not stopped our efforts to acquire smartphones to support rural women. We welcome donations in the form of smartphones, or cash to purchase them. If interested, you can reach us on for further guidance.


Married but Single: The Life of Women in Border Communities in Northern Uganda

If a dollar was paid for each hour that women invested into their home-care and for all the kinds of…

We are now on air! Thank you!

After over 45 days of total lockdown and another month of waiting for permission to gather, on a rainy Saturday…

What is the Internet? That is the “Question”

On 17th August 2021, I went to a café in Soroti to make photocopies of some documents. While at the…

Their Experiences: Smartphones are easier to use than the “Button” phones!

Gwoke Keni, an Acoli word that means “take care of yourself”, is a name of a Community Based Organization (CBO)…

Embracing ICTs and Community Networks at the Local Council

On 9 April 2021, the newly elected Local Council leaders for Soroti District in Teso Sub Region converged at Speke…

Webinar Series #1: Safe Browsing

Target: Students Date: Tuesday, 30th June 2020 Duration & Time: 1hr, from 13:00 – 14:00 UTC (4:00 -5:00PM EAT) Background:…

Webinar on Importance of internet connectivity in times of pandemic

Activity: Webinar on the importance of internet connectivity in times of Pandemic Organizers: AccessPlus in partnership with Internet Society Uganda…

Introducing smartphones to women & girls

Patongo, Agago District, Northern Uganda Date:  December, 18th -20th 2019 Target:  Gwokke keni community, comprised of two women groups: 1)…

Community Survey, Needs & Solutions Analysis

Date: August 2019 Location: Parabongo, Agago District, Northern Uganda. Target Audience: Women involved in shear nut collection, substance farming, handcrafts…

Impact and Reach

Impact and Reach
  • With support from friends, we have provided 12 smartphones to 12 women representing a family. On average, each family has 7 members. This means about 84 people are directly and indirectly benefiting from the phones
  • 45 newly elected local leaders from Teso region, Eastern Uganda committed to learning ICTs and implementing community networks to benefit their communities.
  • 120 women and young mothers Impacted through SHE-Negotiates program.
  • 30 women, including those aged 60+ learned how to use smart phones to market their businesses and to communicate.
  • 53 women in Parabongo and 40 women in Patongo trained on use of Tech to access information on better farming approaches.

